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The 40th anniversary of National Union in Quang Tri Province

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Mr. Nguyen Quan Chinh, Vice Chairman, People's Committee of Quang Tri Province came to visit the site of LED installation. 

MONday - 01/08/2016 00:41 - Viewed: 4702

People’s Awareness of Power Savings be Raised

From modest work to do 

Although it is the peak months of scorchingly hot weather, but the electricity bills of the family Trieu Minh Tan Dat (Cho Moi) shows an increase of 50,000 compared to the year-to-date, because he carried out many measures to save power effectively. According to Mr. Dat, to save electricity, he just turns on the fan for sleeping and set the auto-off mode for 1 hour, which automatically turns off the fan. Also, for cooking, his family controls the uses of the electrical appliances. Dat shared his experience: "Usually, my family uses electric appliances only for rice cooking, for other food cooking, we use the gas stove, and when we need to use warm water for children bathing and/ or boiled water we use fuel wood to save the cost". Ms. Le Thi Ngoc Thanh (Hoa An commune, Cho Moi) says that she saves power by means of setting the refrigeration at moderate mode, they do not open the refrigerator door too many times a day, or insert hot food into the fridge ... Perceiving the practical meaning of electricity savings, especially in reducing the costs from the electricity bills of each month, so now Madam Thanh always reminds the members of the family of power saving practices. 

Electricity saving means cost savings for each family

As recommended by the professional sectors, for the domestic use of electricity, the households should refrain from using huge power consumption devices such as air conditioning, water heater, and electric iron... in peak hours. It is also recommended to turn off the power when the device is not in use, gradually to replace the incandescent bulbs with compact bulbs or fluorescent lights. It is to limit as much as possible the use of huge power consumption devices such as air conditionings, water heaters, water pumps, and electric irons ... in peak hours.

A reduction of household spending 

In times of rising prices, the overall savings are essential. Power saving means the saving of production costs and the reduction of product prices. For the ordinary people, energy saving also means saving a considerable amount of money in the domestic spending. Ms. Le Thi Huynh Doan, who does her business of a fashion shop in Cho Moi district, revealedthat for the previous months, due to hot weather,she had to run the air conditioner constantly, even all day at a time, so the average monthly electricity billmounted to over VND 1 million. After some time, she found that electricity costs were too high, so she decided to try electricity savings. "Every day, I only run the air conditioner from noon until the evening. For the remaining time, I use fans and keep the windows open for ventilation. Also, previously I used the decorative lights for the shopto look more lively, now I just light the shop in the evening, and with LED lighting. Thus, the electricity costs are significantly reduced, making a saving each month of nearly VND 500,000 ". And Ms. Le Thi Ngan also said that every month in the past, her family had 150kW power consumption and electricity cost was VND 300,000. Now by using the power-saving equipment, and reasonable use of electricity, her family saves a significant amount of money.


It is advised to restrict the use of incandescent bulbs (filament) in the family

Saving electricity means saving the cost for each individual and each family. However, there are still irrational ways to save electricity, these misconceptions in power savings include the use of small incandescent bulbs which are misinterpreted as to save more electricity than using the compact lamps or they say the incandescent bulbs are brighter... these misconceptions should be corrected and changed. If each family is aware of electricity saving in the use of electric appliances, it will reduce a huge amount of spending for the family.

